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The Complete Book of Drawing Techniques

The Complete Book of Drawing Techniques

A pencil is a rod of graphite encased in a
soft wood such as cedar, about six or seven
inches long and exposed at one end.
Crude forms of graphite pencils were first
used as early as the 17th century. Before
this, rods of lead or silver (known as silver
point) were used as implements for
making drawings. The modern form of
lead or graphite pencil with its wooden
encasement first came into use about the
beginning of the 19th century.

Excel 2010 Formulas: ebook

Excel 2010 Formulas
by John Walkenbach
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.

This book for Excel 2010, but most of the material also applies to Excel 2007. If you’re using a version prior to Excel 2007, Suggest that you put down this book immediately and pick up a previous edition. The changes introduced in Excel 2007 are so extensive that you might be hopelessly confused if you try to follow along using an earlier version of Excel.
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